6 successful Ways of Networking in Busines

Business networking is something a lot of people don’t consider in its depth. However, for a successful business you should network as that gives you a chance to connect with business moguls, Managers and of course entrepreneurs and not forgetting those who are interested to kick start their entrepreneurial journey.


I personally find networking very fascinating as it helps to give you a clear direction. Mostly, if you engage in networking events you will agree with me that you come across different people with different backgrounds, that alone gives it a distinction of getting fresh ideas in business ventures which will help to boost your business. In some instance if you play well you can get on board some investors


In this blog I will talk about how best you can network in case of a networking event. It can be a networking Group where a group of people share ideas and business opportunities or it can be a seminar in which participants are given a space of time to network on different aspects of a mutual interest.


1.  Know What You Want

For you to network well you must have a clear goal on why you are in that particular space. You should ask yourself some key questions such as;

a.     What is it that you want to achieve by the end of the networking?

b.     Are you in the right networking group?


These key questions will help you determine the outcome of the networking event. Personally, I normally do my research before the event on what to expect in the networking space. 

2.  What’s Your Leverage In the Networking

This is a key factor which will help you to secure more networks as this will help those in the networking seriously.

The question you should ask yourself is what is that you can offer within the networking space? Are you good enough to make a counter offer? 

That’s what matters in the networking space as you are selling yourself. You have limited time to make a good impression so having leverage will help you to be a core of everything.

3. First Impression Matters

In the networking of business once you make a bad impression you are doomed. Remember, it’s a networking business NOT a chilling spot and you should be keeping in mind that you don’t have a whole day. Make yourself clear when presenting be it your idea or a mutual interest


4. Know Elevator Pitch


In networking events you are not there to make a long presentation as if you are by yourself. Mind what to pick so you have to make a very strong pitch for your business or your interest.

That only works if you do your research well. In networking events people can’t spend a lot of time with you. At least make your point within 3 to 5 minutes.


5. Make a Follow Up

Time is very precious and in business people take it very seriously. So in the event that you have secured some interested parties don’t hesitate to make follow ups as that helps you to further develop a mutual relationship which will result in something fruitful. It takes time but hey be calm and patient.

That is only possible if you pitch well. Most importantly, collect as many contacts as possible. I normally collect email addresses as that is hardly changed for serious people.

6. Close the Business

Be closer whenever you network. Most of the time people tend to fail in closing the business. By closing simply means the deal is done on a mutual understanding. If it fails don’t give up, try some tactics.


I hope that will help. And do not forget to let me know what works for you







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