What does it take to get started?
Have you been in a situation whereby you don't really know what will transpire? If, YES, what was the experience LIKE? Maybe NOT so good but promising, right? It happens in human nature, as we cannot control everything.
A lot of people are in amusement of getting started BUT terrific statistics point out that the majority are stuck at point A. It's All known given several circumstances in this life. When I was in my first year in 2017 I did not really know what exactly I should be doing in different aspects of life.
I think you also have been in that state or you are at the moment BUT either way it’s quite OKAY not to know what you want in Life. However, what is not okay is that you are at this moment NOT getting started. Have you asked yourself why you are in that state of disgrace? or are you comfortable with that? I guess NOT at all. So how can you get started or/and what does it take to get started? I hope you will read to the end to amuse your soul with my little experience on how I got started some few years ago.
Most of the time lots of people are carried away when trying to get started which in most instances leads to Burnt out even before the first three or six months.
This happens to the majority be it in startups or any other partaking. So here are some tips to make you unstoppable
1. Make a to-do list of the things that are on your mind and schedule a time
Mostly, the majority don’t care about having a calendar to make a follow-up on what’s to do next or how to do it. Or sometimes, people tend to have it but choose to ignore it BUT I can assure you having a To do List calendared is the sweetest thing ever. If you don’t have one now then later. In my instance, I use a software application called Monday.com which I find is easy and organized. Check it out.
2.Find Your focus and know your passion in life
Focusing on something you love is the most brilliant thing you should keep in mind. This happens if you know the purpose of that particular passion you are undertaking.
In my instance, I find environment/climate Actions and Youth integration in entrepreneurship more fascinating.
2. Make yourself available to the right connections or/and opportunities
Are you alive or dead? I believe you are breathing well and good. If that being the case you should embrace the right connections or networks as it paves a way for your NEXT big Item on the table, that is if you play your card well. When I came to study Sudan at first I hated the environment to the core. I guess every Jim and Jack does the same.